Browsing by Author Modernization and National-Cultural Identity

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Development, ethnicity, and religion in MindanaoR. P. Eliseo; R. Mercado; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-Education and nation-building in a multi-ethnic society: the case of Malaysia and SingaporeTham Seong Chee; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-A historical analysis of the basis for national unity in ThailandKullada Kesboonchoo; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-Internal colonialism and rural resistance : a preliminary study on absolutizing of the Thai State in the nineteenth century and reactionsModernization and National-Cultural Identity
-Ke arah pembentukkan negara dan pembinaan bangsa BruneiMahmud Saedon A. Othman; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-Ke tidak-seimbangan pembangunan dan integrasi nasional di IndonesiaAdi Sasono; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-Language and culture in a multi-ethnic society: a Singapore strategyChan Heng Chee; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-Minorities in Thailand: some observations or ethnic relations and integration from a Thai Buddhist perspectiveChavewan Wannaprasert; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-The nationalist alternative in Southeast Asia after independenceRenato Constantino; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-Out of ideological captivity : scholars and student activists in Philippine Universities are coping with the identity crisisFrancisco Nemenzo; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-Sejarah ringkas perjuangan rakyat di dalam pembentukan negara dan bangsa Brunei merdekaOthman Abd. Latif; Mahmud Morshidi Othman; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity
-Sikap dan peranan kaum intelektual di dunia ketiga, khususnya di IndonesiaPramoedya Ananta Toer; Modernization and National-Cultural Identity